Seller Spotlight

April 7, 2021

 Corjl specializes in helping businesses that design and sell digital products as well as physical products.  Corjl sellers create templates from large party banners to elegant table place cards and everything in between.  Once a customer purchases an item from a Corjl seller they will receive an email from with a link to access and edit their template.  Today, we have the opportunity to talk with one of our Corjl sellers that has been with us for two years about why they chose to start an online business and why they chose to #PersonalizeWithCorjl



Kairen Varker

Determined to leave her job Kairen integrated her store with Corjl to aid in the personalization process for her customers. The last two years she has used Corjl for her shop, CelebratelyInvites ,so her customers can edit the templates she designs. Kairen says that using Corjl has enabled her to have a “viable and scalable business that grows month after month and without Corjl [she] would not have a business.”

We had the great opportunity to interview Kairen about her inspirations, success and how she has kept a positive outlook through her journey beginning her business and during the recent year long pandemic.

Q: What inspired you to begin your own business and are you still inspired by those things today?
A: From leaving school I have been trying to find my niche, the job that was me. I have done many things from making wedding dresses to running an office. Nothing felt like me. The only thing I did know for certain was I didn’t want to work for anyone else anymore. I wanted to take a holiday when I wanted and not ask someone if I could. I left a corporate job to become a web designer working for myself. I started to feel like me but I still wasn’t being creative enough. I was on Etsy one day looking for something, ended up going from one thing to another and then came across a shop that was selling children’s invitations. But, unlike others, this gave the customer the option to edit it themselves. It sparked something in me. Creativeness and independence. I have since spoken to the shop owner in the Corjl group and have thanked her for changing my life.
Q: Did you have an online shop prior to integrating with Corjl? If so, what was your experience editing/selling items yourself?

A: No, although when I was doing my research on the idea, I quickly decided I didn’t want to be tied to a desk to do all the edits. I wanted it to be as passive as I could get it so I could concentrate on designing more than answering emails, which really means I wanted to go on holiday and be in the garden when the sun shines.

Q: What items does your shop specialize in? Are there products you want to start selling in the future?

A: I mainly do invitations and try to stick to birthdays, anniversaries and seasonal things like Christmas and Proms. But as customers ask if a design comes in a different celebration I am finding myself broadening my ranges.

Q: How has Corjl made selling items easier for you?

A: It’s simple, I wouldn’t have a business without Corjl.

Q: Where do you find the inspiration and motivation to create so many designs?
A: I stalk Etsy, Instagram and Pinterest a lot, seeing what people are buying, favouring and saving. I also ask my 20 something daughter a million questions. She knows when she says someone is having a party (pre-covid) I ask about their theme, their colours and why they chose it. She was also a great source of ideas in Covid as everyone was coming with ways to celebrate things differently.
Q: What does a normal work day look like for you? Once you switched to Corjl did it make your normal work day change?
A: I’m an early riser so I get to my desk around 6am and work through what needs doing for the day. What needs posting up, working out new designs and replying to customers. As everyone else in the house gets up and go off to their jobs I make myself stop and step away from the computer for a bit as I can be notoriously bad at sitting there all day in winter. Quick run around doing housework and then house is peaceful again and I can get back to work. But if the sun is shining that is normally when I decamp to the garden. One of the great things is that if I want to do housework all day ( said no one ever) or dig the veg patch, I can. I get to choose when I want to work and what I want to work on. As for the holidays, they are more frequent as I can go whenever. I take my laptop and work for an hour in the morning then its holiday time.
Q: How has this past year’s pandemic affected your business and how do you stay positive in times of uncertainty?
A: I have been saying that the last year hasn’t effected me apart from the fact there’s more people in the house more of the time, but realistically it has had a massive positive effect for me. I know I am lucky to be able to say that. I had one week when I thought ‘oh no’ but then I figured ok, let’s go with this, things are different, I can adapt. I concentrated on my digital drawing and worked on my graphics shop. When I couldn’t find what I wanted I drew my own and figured I could sell them too. My invite shop hasn’t really slowed much as I thought it would, hopefully I have adapted enough to different parties like drive by parades.
Q: How do you personally define business success?
A: Having a business that makes you smile when you wake up and you’re excited to get to your desk. I also set myself the goal to be earning enough to pay the bills. I hit that goal running.
Q: Where do you hope to see your business in the years to come?
A: I am happy where I am, I am grateful for each increase in sales so I am happy to carry on as I am. I don’t have plans or goals to employ people or world domination so in years to come I hope to be doing what I am doing now I guess.
Q: Do you enjoy using Corjl? Why have you stayed with them for the past 2 years?
A: Corjl has excelled in their customer service. They answer questions quickly and help in all things they can like moving accounts etc. I think one of the smartest things they have done is in creating a Facebook group for the Corjl designers. Sometimes we want a quick heads up from a like minded shop owner that we haven’t lost the plot. Being able to pop into the group and of course help other designers is great. I have made a couple of life long friendships through the group that I wouldn’t have otherwise. It all helps in making working on your own easier when you have virtual ‘co-workers’.

Here at Corjl we aim to empower creative entrepreneurs. Kairen is a great example of the many talented designers that have trusted Corjl with their design aspirations. You can see more of Kairen’s work at her Etsy store and demo her great products here at
